Maxx Construction

Maxx Construction
Cool Under Pressure
Construction Calgary
Make a call: +1 403-710-5570
Construction Calgary

Bobcats Calgary


Bobcats Calgary

The perfect machine for the job.

Bobcats or skidsteers come in many sizes and we at Maxx Construction have found that most jobs on existing residential properties do not have enough room for a full size bobcat to move around safely or productively. Therefore we have as one of our pieces of equipment a 4ft (48”) wide model with tracks not wheels for the least amount of ground disturbance as possible. Sometimes the customer shows up at the end of the day and didn’t know that we had a bobcat on site to do the work.

 When needed or requested we do protect the sensitive areas using materials such as plywood to drive on.

Tasks we can do



Our Bobcat rates start at $85/hour, with attachments including an auger, concrete breaker, tooth bucket, and smooth bucket. We use a 4ft (48″) wide model with tracks to minimize ground disturbance on existing residential properties, and take precautions to protect sensitive areas with materials such as plywood. Our team provides professional and efficient solutions at a competitive rate.
